This is such great information, it deserves it's own page.
If breastfeeding isn’t working, remember the “3
Keeps.” By doing these 3 simple things, you will be taking care of
yourself, take care of your baby, and keep the system working so that your will
be able to breastfeed when your baby is ready. So, relax.
- Keep Your Baby Fed – If breastfeeding isn’t working, you may need to supplement. There are methods to supplement in a breastfeeding supportive way. Just because breastfeeding isn’t working out as planned, there is no need to give up completely. It’s not an all or nothing kind of deal.
- Keep Your Milk Flowing – The amount of milk removed from your breasts tells your body how much milk to make. If your baby can not remove milk himself, you will need to pump to keep the milk flowing. There are lots of great tips for effective pumping. By the way, a pump is not a necessity for every breastfeeding mom. Many moms never use a pump. If you encounter a problem or need to be away from your baby, then you may benefit from a pump. Even then, there are some moms who prefer hand expression.
- Keep Your Baby Close – Keeping your baby skin-to-skin on your chest encourages him to breastfeed and helps you both to feel relaxed, which encourages milk production.
I like your post very much.It's a very good knowledge regarding breast feeding.These are essential things which every mother has to remember,after all breastfeeding is best for child but there is one more option of breast pumps which is very useful in the above provided cases.breast pumps