better beginnings


A quick reminder:  The internet, with it's blogs and discussion boards, is an amazing source of information.  As you learn more about pregnancy, birth and parenting, always be mindful that there is another side to every story.  As an empowered parent, we encourage to gather information and experiences and make decisions that are best for you and your family.

Local Resources and Businesses
La Leche League of Ocean Springs/Biloxi
La Leche League of Gulfport/Long Beach
South MS Informed Birth Network
MS Coast Acupuncture

Online Resource Articles & Videos by Topic 
We have developed this extensive reference library to help you on your journey of empowered mothering.  These our the websites, blogs, research articles and videos that we have found particularly helpful to families during pregnancy, birth and the early parenting years.  If you have had experience with or know a good resource for any of these topics, please share it with us in the comments. And, if you find any "broken links," please let us know - we are always working to refine our Resource Library.
A Few of Our Favorite Sites


How Birth Happens
Choosing a Care Provider
Birth Videos & Stories 
Prenatal Concerns
Pre-Term Labor and Premature Rupture of Membranes
Post-Term, Going Past Your "Due Date"

Water for Labor & Birth
Comfort Measures for Labor & Birth
Induction of Labor
Birth Protocols & Procedures
Cesarean Birth 
VBAC: Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
Newborn Protocols

Infant Care
Breastfeeding & The Law  

Evidenced Based Maternity Care
Politics of Birth & Breastfeeding

BONUS: a few favorites for our colleagues