better beginnings

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

To Moms Approaching The Final Days of Pregnancy,
You are made for growing, birthing, and nurturing your baby.  Everything you need is already inside you, part of the unique individual that you are.  During our time together (if you are a client) you tuned into your own intuition.  It can be a quiet, shy voice calmly guiding you through life, or maybe a booming presence hard to ignore.  Trusting and listening to that inner voice will guide you through labor, birth, and mothering. 

As you approach labor, birth, and mothering your baby, know that your decisions will be the right ones—right for you, right for your baby, and right for your family.  Find peace in the empowerment that allows you to make informed decisions.

As you move through the final days of pregnancy, treasure the moments.  They are fleeting.  Mothering is wonderful work, but there is something indescribable about literally being full of life.  

Be present—in this day, this moment, this page.  Judging yourself and others for past actions, words or situations is futile.  Let it go.  The future isn’t here yet.  It will happen how it happens.  Your labor might not start how you imagined on our meditations and visualizations, or it might be exactly what you hope. 

Arrange your life to build you up.  Change what you need to change; whether that means care providers, job situations, or something about yourself.  Seek resolution and peace.  Set your intention to be positive and actively involved in this birth.  It will serve you well now and always to be fully present.

You are built to give birth to your baby.  You are strong.  You are a mother.  You are not entering into this experience blind.  You will continue to seek information & guidance from trusted sources and make the best decisions for your family.  

 You will move mountains.
 - Kate Fillingim, LCCE